Right Time to Buy a Home is Anytime

120The Right Time to Buy a Home is Anytime. It may sound like the oldest sales line in the book, but it’s true. If you do not own a primary residence doing so provides many luxuries, not to mention improved lifestyle, peace of mind and the joy and satisfaction of home ownership.

Investment is one of the main reasons to buy a primary residence, because after all it’s just that, an investment. Home ownership is an important piece of the financial puzzle. Building equity and receiving tax benefits from mortgage interest and property taxes begin once you’ve paid your first month’s mortgage payment. Typically the average homeowner who buys a primary residence in the Contra Costa County area qualifies to take home several hundred dollars or more in monthly tax savings, after paying their first payment. The benefits continue to rise with every payment made.

Stability comes with home ownership. Owning a primary residence eliminates your landlord, rent increases and notifications explaining you must move because the owner wants to sell the property. Being a homeowner can fix your monthly living expense (mortgage) at the same amount for 30 years! Stability also helps with employment, schooling, and health, not to mention long-term friendships.

Financial strength and credibility come with home ownership, tap into your equity in case of emergency or for personal gain. Many homeowners accumulate equity and use some for the down-payment on a vacation home or investment property.

If you’re renting and not realizing any of these home ownership luxuries, begin with a good solid game plan, read my, ”Looking To Be a Home Owner But Don’t Know Where To Start?” article. Find out how much home you can afford.

You might qualify right now and not know it. Getting a good solid game plan together is the first step in accomplishing home ownership and may be the door to what you want to in life. For years I’ve said, “Pay your own mortgage, not your landlords”. Want a game? Give me a call. The best way to get something done is to begin.

Contact me anytime and have a nice day.